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1:1 Business support

1:1 Business support
Ryan Johnson
Business & IP Centre

Sign up for a one-hour information advice session ONLINE.

Have a great idea for a business, but not sure how to make it a reality? Our 121 sessions may be just what you need.

Have a great business idea, but unsure how to develop it? Or have a business which needs help to grow? Our staff provide free hour-long advice sessions to talk through your ideas in confidence, helping you to develop your business ideas and business plan.

Whether you need guidance for those first key steps, IP support and development guidance or industry & market information, we can help. We'll talk through the sort of information you may find useful and help you get the most out of our resources.

Book your one-to-one here

Eligibility requirements

This service is for business planning only, we are not able to give legal or specialist advice.

Ryan Johnson
Business & IP Centre

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