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Better Futures project

Better Futures project
Lucienne Blakely-Droz
Greater London Authority

The project provides direct support to cleantech (also known as climate tech) SMEs from across London, who are seeking to innovate, grow and create jobs, bring new low carbon solutions to market, and reduce London’s greenhouse gas emissions. The project also supports non-climate tech (everyday businesses) SMEs to innovate towards low carbon business models and adopt low carbon technologies to accelerate their emissions reductions.

The Project offers three pathways and provides a unique approach to supporting innovation.

  • Built Environment & Innovation Support - The programme supports potential innovative climate tech SMEs whose technologies can provide a significant impact in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the built environment. Register your interest here.
  • Commercialisation & Innovation Support – The programme supports climate tech SMEs of varying sizes and levels of maturity to progress innovations through different levels of technology readiness programme levels and commercialisation. Register your interest here.
  • Decarbonisation Support - The programme supports London-based SMEs across all sectors contribute to achieving Net Zero by 2030 by providing carbon foot printing, decarbonisation action plans, energy audits, grants, and a holistic package of sustainability support across social and environmental sustainability. Register your interest here.

Better Futures Programme Eligibility

London based; and either:

Classified as in the LCEGS sector and are developing products or services which have the potential to save significant green-house gas emissions or have the potential to supply low carbon products and services into it; or

Looking to decarbonise their business. 

UKSPF fund Eligibility

To be eligible for UKSPF funded support, a business must be a registered SME with a registered or trading address in one of the 33 London boroughs.

Lucienne Blakely-Droz
Greater London Authority

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