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Industry Exchange Programme

Industry Exchange Programme
Tom Ashman
University of Westminster

Our Industry Exchange Programme, the Westminster IXN, enables companies to access students from the School of Computer Science and Engineering to explore technological solutions for addressing business challenges.

The students typically create proof of concepts or prototypes to demonstrate how these challenges can be tackled, offering valuable insights to the company.

Our students can collaborate with you on projects in the following areas:

  • AI and machine learning
  • Data analytics, exploration and visualisation
  • Cybersecurity and risk analysis
  • Web and app development

Eligibility requirements

  • Age: None
  • Ethnicity: None
  • Gender: None
  • Disability: Not applicable
  • Other: Businesses should be registered on Companies House or the Charity Register. Available to support the project student(s) at regular intervals for the duration of the project, e.g. once or twice a month, depending on the project
Tom Ashman
University of Westminster

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