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Tuesday 9th Apr 2024

Know your payments rights

Know your payments rights

Date:Tue 9th Apr 2024
Time:15:00 - 16:00

Dive into the world of retail payments in a webinar with experts from Teya.

In today’s cutthroat market, understanding retail payments is non-negotiable. Yet, many small businesses find themselves lost in this intricate landscape. Did you know you have new rights available to you under UK regulations?

Join Teya for an enlightening webinar where we demystify the new rules imposed by the Payments System Regulator (PSR) on the largest payment providers in the UK. Discover your newfound rights and gain essential knowledge on holding your service provider accountable. 

In this webinar, Teya experts will provide:

  • An overview of who the PSR is 
  • The new rules that have come into force 
  • How to spot if your provider is not treating you fairly and what to do if they are not

Don’t let this opportunity slip away! Register now to take charge of your business’s retail payments.


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