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Libra- A springboard for existing underrepresented founders

Libra- A springboard for existing underrepresented founders
Lindy Pyrah
Tech Nation

What is Libra

Libra will be a springboard for existing underrepresented founders based in the UK who are growing and scaling despite market failure. The inaugural programme will focus on the Black founder experience, helping them navigate the scaling journey. The programme’s main aim is to level the playing field for excellent Black founders to scale to their fullest potential.

The free, non-residential, six-month programme is centred around themed insights sessions, delivered by some of the most established entrepreneurs, covering topics such as raising series A, selling into corporates, scaling your operations and expanding internationally. The programme will have a focus on peer-to-peer learning and the cohort companies sharing the challenges in their own individual journeys. The cohort will also be introduced to key stakeholders and decision-makers within corporates, investment firms, government bodies and others during networking events. Additionally, the Libra programme offers access to the cross-programme sessions hosted by Tech Nation sector programmes focused on Fintech and Applied AI and Net-Zero.

Libra currently is currently not accepting applications, but to register interest in the programme you can email Libra Programme Lead, Abi Mohamed at abimohamed@technation.io.

To find out more click here

Eligibility requirements

Lindy Pyrah
Tech Nation

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