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Wednesday 12th Jun 2024

Menopause without HRT

Menopause without HRT
Alison Theaker
Alison Theaker
Live Life for Me

Date:Wed 12th Jun 2024
Time:18:00 - 19:00

Our next short information webinar about menopause without HRT will be a live Zoom session. 

Anne Hope and Alison Theaker will be talking about risks and benefits of HRT and how to cope with some of the more common physical and emotional symptoms for those who can't take HRT or would like to explore alternatives.

Email anne.hope@outlook.com for details and to sign up.

Key takeaways from this session:

  • risks and benefits of HRT
  • common symptoms
  • more resources to use
Alison Theaker
Alison Theaker
Live Life for Me
I am a qualified transformative Life Coach with experience in higher education, business coaching and creativity development. I have delivered training across the UK in interpersonal skills and business transformation. A public relations practitioner, academic and author with an international reputation, I have also developed a unique style of coaching, Walk the Talk, which increases creativity. I am also a qualified action learning facilitator, NLP coaching practitioner and reiki master. Together with my colleague, Anne Hope, I deliver course and resources for women, men and organisation around the menopause. Our messages are: Information is power - make sure you know what is the right choice for you at this time and: You don't have to suffer - there are many different ways to deal with symptoms which are interfering with your life. Our video courses on Udemy are available through our website www.livelifeforme.org.

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