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Next Level Accelerator

Next Level Accelerator
Beverley Corson
Beverley Corson
Next Level business club

Who is it for?

Ambitious founders and directors of established small businesses with two to 25 employees from any sector, who want to:

  • Develop and execute a growth strategy to drive their business to the next level whether that be scale, more profit or a self-managing team feel 100% in control of running, leading and managing the business and its growth
  • Ensure all business functions and team members are performing and doing what's needed on a monthly, weekly and daily basis

What's it about?

A business growth and leadership development programme designed to accelerate the business to the next level. Shift from urgent/reactive to strategic/proactive, stop the day-to-day getting in the way of progress, and ensure your business consistently moves forward towards greater success.

This includes:

  • Creating your strategy on a page: Business plan going from your three-year vision into a 12-month strategy, quarterly strategic objectives and key actions for the next month, in marketing, sales, operations, finance and talent 
  • Access your plan on a private online platform which acts as your business growth dashboard to consistently make improvements and drive business development action across the business
  • Monthly accountability meetings: Transfer strategy into consistent effective action, tackle current issues, accelerate progress and ensure tangible measurable results
  • One-to-one coaching is available in addition

Eligibility requirements

This programme is open to all.

Beverley Corson
Beverley Corson
Next Level business club

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