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Oldham Enterprise Programme

Oldham Enterprise Programme

The Oldham Enterprise Programme is a programme of free business support and connection with sources of business funding.

Eligibility requirements

Grants are available to those eligible applicants under 30 years of age and low-cost loans are available to those aged 18 and over.

Grants of up to £250 are available to:

  • those aged 16 to 17; who are
    • Oldham residents
    • Have successfully completed Oldham College’s free Be Your Own Boss programme
    • Are successful at an Oldham Enterprise Programme assessment panel
    • Applicants are eligible for one grant award only

Grants of up to £1,000 are available to:

  • those aged between the ages 18 and 30; who are
    • Existing businesses and start-up applicants (trading less than two years)
    • Oldham residents
    • Have not previously received a grant from the Oldham Enterprise Trust
    • Have successfully completed the Princes Trust Enterprise programme
    • Are successful at an Oldham Enterprise Programme assessment panel

For existing businesses and start-up applicants (trading less than two years) over the age of 30, we offer signposting to:

  • Free business support from the Business Growth Hub
  • Low-cost loans of up to £25,000 via the Government’s Start Up Loans scheme
  • Other funding sources are available for existing businesses that want to grow
  • Access to free business support

The programme looks to support sustainable business and business growth ideas. Applicants are given a programme of free business support to help them prepare their business plan, cash flow forecast, and for the assessment panel (if appropriate).

Apply now!

Enterprise Nation has helped thousands of people start and grow their businesses. Led by founder, Emma Jones CBE, Enterprise Nation connects you to the resources and expertise to help you succeed.

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