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Tuesday 3rd Sep 2024

Online small business meet-up: South West London

Online small business meet-up: South West London
Paul Shaw
Paul Shaw
Mercatus Consulting

Date:Tue 3rd Sep 2024
Time:09:00 - 10:00

Online small business meet-up: South West London

Are you an existing or budding small business owner? Want to grow your network in a friendly, relaxed, and supportive environment?

Enterprise Nation’s monthly online meet-ups bring together founders from all sectors to share ideas, learn new skills, solve challenges and inspire one another.

Running a small business needn’t be lonely. Register now for your next local meet-up.

Hosted by your Local Leader: Paul Shaw

Paul is a Business Doctor and strategist. Paul really enjoys getting under the skin of business and understanding what makes an organisation tick. He helps the owners of small and medium sized businesses to grow their business and achieve their vision.

Paul Shaw
Paul Shaw
Mercatus Consulting
I am a Business coach and mentor and I also like to "do". I really enjoy getting under the skin of business and understanding what makes an organisation tick. My mission is to improve the lives of small business owners by helping them to build healthier, happier, more efficient and more profitable businesses. I do that in two ways; 1. by working with owners to develop a living and breathing plan that reflects their aims and objectives. And 2. by rolling up my sleeves and working with the owners in their businesses to implement their action plans and achieve practical and sustainable results. I work with a wide variety of different businesses, from architects to marketing agencies, from training organisations to software development companies, from aesthetics clinics to video production companies. What they all have in common is a desire to succeed and an understanding that the right advice and support will help them achieve more than they could on their own.

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