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Wednesday 11th Sep 2024

Online small business meet-up: Wales

Online small business meet-up: Wales
Elly Yule
Elly Yule

Get your ticket
Date:Wed 11th Sep 2024
Time:12:00 - 13:00

Online small business meet-up: Wales

Are you an existing or budding small business owner? Want to grow your network in a friendly, relaxed, and supportive environment?

Enterprise Nation’s monthly online meet-ups bring together founders from all sectors to share ideas, learn new skills, solve challenges and inspire one another.

Running a small business needn’t be lonely. Register now for your next local meet-up.

Hosted by your Local Leader: Elly Yule

Women's Mentor helping stressed-out business women regain balance, clarity and energy so they can manifest their best life. 35 years+ experience in many techniques, helping you navigate your current challenges and obstacles and giving you the tools you need to help you succeed.

Women's Mentor | Energy Medicine specialist | multi-disciplined Therapist | Healer | Flower Essence Producer | Teacher. My greatest joy is to see you blossom into your own wisdom, happiness and success.

Elly Yule
Elly Yule
Women's Mentor helping stressed-out high level business women regain balance, clarity and energy so they can manifest their best life and make an impact. Experienced leader in the Wise Woman shamanic tradition, and many other therapeutic and healing techniques, who brings decades of experience to help you navigate your current challenges and obstacles, giving you the transformational tools you need to help you succeed. Women's Mentor | Energy Medicine specialist | multi-disciplined Therapist | Healer | Flower Essence Producer | Teacher My greatest joy is to see you blossom into your own wisdom, happiness and success. Elly is the Enterprise Nation Local Leader for Wales

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