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Social Enterprise Advice & Support (SEAS) Programme

Social Enterprise Advice & Support (SEAS) Programme

Commissioned by Plymouth City Council, and funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, the Social Enterprise Advice & Support (SEAS) Programme provides FREE business support and advice for Plymouth-based individuals, social enterprises and co-operatives at start-up, development and growth stages.

Our vision is that all social enterprises and co-operatives in Plymouth, at any stage in their journey, have access to the best specialist business support to help them thrive.

Support available includes access to expert, specialist one-to-one advice, workshops covering digital skills, creative technology, funding and finance, social investment,  marketing, business planning and a range of other related topics, as well as free access to a suite of online courses. 

The partnership and specialisms are listed below:
  • Cosmic – digital skills, leadership
  • Dirk Rohwedder (Enterprise with Purpose) – coaching, leadership, financial management
  • Diversity Business Incubator (DBI) – development, specialist support Black and Minority Ethnic social entrepreneurs
  • Iridescent Ideas – legal structures, governance, social enterprise start-up
  • Jon Rolls (BCause) – social investment, investment readiness
  • Paul Read (Drift) – business planning, growth, young people
  • Plymouth Social Enterprise Network (PSEN) – networking and event promotion
  • POP – networking and start-up funding advice
  • Real Ideas – creative/digital tech social entrepreneurs, marketing, access to facilities
Email seas@iridescentideas.com, visit the Iridescent Ideas website to find out more or register here.

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