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Sutton business support

Sutton business support
Mike Evans
Mike Evans
Brightcorp Ltd t/a The Retail Group

This business support will be available to assist all businesses operating in or owned by residents of the borough, where the majority of business is delivered within the borough.

The focus will be on SME businesses with employee numbers below 250 employees, in effect smaller SMEs, micro SMEs and sole trader businesses. The business support will proactively target businesses in established trading locations, towns and district centres, trading estates, industrial estates, and commercial premises.

It will also be promoted extensively to potential start-ups and embryonic businesses/entrepreneurs through education facilities, established Council channels, job centres, community groups, chambers of trade and local business groups.

All routes will also be used to ensure that home-based, and mobile businesses are also aware of the support and how to access it.

We will use the following support delivery methods:

  • On-site visits and business reviews / diagnostic performance discussions one-to-one support sessions, including delivery of recommended actions for growth and performance improvement
  • Virtual visits, meetings and one-to-one sessions, provision of best practice guides and checklists to address common issues
  • Themed workshops, either by sector or type of support needed (the number, frequency and themes of workshops determined by response to engagement survey)
  • Business support drop-in clinics held at Oru Sutton. Frequency to vary according to take up but will be a minimum of one day per month from the second month of the project

The support will be delivered in a variety of locations, including at the place of business, plus, at the preferred location identified by a business, home, nearby Oru Sutton or local shared workspace, or local third-party offices.

All business support, one-to-ones and workshops/seminars will be available online.

There may be the opportunity and need to hold small group sessions at Oru Sutton. This will be as per the needs of the businesses.

Eligibility requirements

Only available to Sutton-based residents and entrepreneurs.
Mike Evans
Mike Evans
Brightcorp Ltd t/a The Retail Group

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