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Technology and data

Technology and data

While your tech wizards invent products set to reshape how we live, our lawyers ground your ingenuity and innovation on legal parameters and make sure they stay compliant on all fronts.

We have advised software as a service (SaaS) companies, fintech start-ups and cryptocurrency platforms backed by venture capital on technology transfer, use of data and more.

Cyber security scams in Hong Kong now pose a challenge to data privacy and call for law firms to provide legal recourse.

Lawyers can play a number of roles in addressing data privacy and cybersecurity issues:

  • Compliance: Lawyers can advise organisations on compliance with laws and regulations on data privacy and cybersecurity
  • Incident response: Lawyers can advise on developing and implementing incident response plans to help them quickly and effectively respond to data breaches and cyber attacks
  • Litigation: Lawyers can represent organisations in court in the event of a data breach or cyber attack, and help them navigate the legal process and defend against any legal action taken against them
  • Contractual matters: Lawyers can review and draft agreements, such as terms and conditions, privacy policies, and service agreements, to ensure that the company's obligations and liabilities are well-defined and in compliance with prevailing regulations
  • Data governance: Lawyers can help organisations establish and maintain data governance policies and procedures to ensure that personal data is handled, stored, and processed in accordance with data protection principles
  • Employee education: Lawyers can provide training and education to employees on data privacy and cybersecurity issues, and help them understand their legal obligations under relevant laws and regulations
  • Insurance: Lawyers can advise on data privacy and cyber security insurance options for organisations to protect against potential financial losses resulting from a cybersecurity scam

Working closely with IT and forensic specialists, JC Legal as a law firm have the requisite knowledge of data privacy to help organisations address cyber security issues in a comprehensive and effective manner while ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

What's on offer

  • Data privacy and GDPR compliance  
  • Digital economy software as a service (SaaS)
  • Fintech
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Cyber security and online fraud

Eligibility requirements

Open to all.

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