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Thursday 8th Aug 2024

Unlock the hidden power of customer reviews

Unlock the hidden power of customer reviews
Andrew McEwan
Andrew McEwan
The Savvy Marketing Guy

Date:Thu 8th Aug 2024
Time:09:00 - 10:00

What you’ll learn:

  • Three biggest mistakes business owners make when asking for reviews and how to avoid them
  • Why reviews matter more than you think: Discover the profound impact reviews have on your searchability, customer trust and sales
  • Effortless strategies for gathering reviews: Learn simple techniques to encourage your customers to leave reviews without feeling pushy
  • How to leverage reviews for maximum impact: Understand how to use positive reviews to boost your online presence and attract more customers

Join Andrew McEwan, The Savvy Marketing Guy, for a 60-minute session packed with actionable tips and expert insights.

Andrew McEwan
Andrew McEwan
The Savvy Marketing Guy
Running your own business is hard enough: getting new enquiries, making sales, doing the work, and getting paid, all while trying to have a family life. And feeling like you're in a marketing black hole is scary and adds to your stress. You've Googled 'til you're blue in the face, FAQs don't answer your questions, and chatbots drive you up the wall. Having had to keep on top of depression and anxiety most of my life, I know the toll it can take on mental health. I guide owners of small businesses out of their marketing black hole, giving them the confidence and freedom to focus on helping their clients and growing their businesses in a predictable, manageable, and sustainable way. If your marketing's a mess, your tech ties you in knots, or your website is woeful, let me help you take back control and get the business you need for the life you want. We'll do this by clarifying, simplifying, and amplifying. ✅ We'll clarify your message so your ideal customers want to engage and buy. ✅️ We'll simplify your business, marketing, and tech so it's easier to run and do business with you. ✅ And we'll amplify, growing your business in a predictable, manageable, and sustainable way. Ditch the spreadsheets, Post-It notes, whiteboards, and confusion...and no more marketing and tech cul-de-sacs, frustrations, and overwhelm. You'll have a business that's easier, a bank account that's wealthier, and a life that's healthier & happier. I'll be there to guide you towards success, help unlock your talents, and cheer you on as your business thrives...and make sure you don't fall back into bad habits. >> Websites, CRM and Sales & Marketing Automation, Coaching 🗓️ Book your free Marketing & Tech Audit: BookAndrew.co.uk ▶️ linkedin.com/in/thesavvymarketingguy/ ✉️ andrew@thesavvymarketingguy.com

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