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Workwhile apprenticeship support

Workwhile apprenticeship support
Anna Ambrose
Anna Ambrose

The Workwhile apprenticeship programme supports SMEs in the capital to create high-quality apprenticeships, helping businesses to grow and thrive with the skills they need while giving Londoners outstanding opportunities.

Did you know that apprenticeships are available from level 2 (GCSE equivalent) to level 7 (masters)? And that they can be used both to train new hires and to upskill existing staff, not to mention that they are proven to improve staff retention and business productivity?

To date, the programme has created over 1,600 new apprenticeships, and redistributed over £16 million in unspent apprenticeship levy funds. Through the support programme, we can help you to go from zero knowledge of apprenticeships to having someone in post and set up for success.

Whatever your starting point, our account managers can support you every step of the way, including:

  • Understanding the basics of apprenticeships
  • How they work and the benefits
  • Considering whether apprenticeships are the right skills solution for your business, and signposting other options where needed
  • Matching your needs with the right apprenticeship standards
  • Finding an apprenticeship training provider that can meet your needs; signposting to recruitment avenues via our third sector and borough networks
  • Brokering 100% funding to cover the full costs of your apprentices training, via levy transfer from our generous network of large employers
  • Offering training for those managing apprentices through our DevelopMentor programme
  • Joining our free employer information sessions through our network

Eligibility requirements

This programme is open to ages 18 to over 60.

Anna Ambrose
Anna Ambrose

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