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Accountants and business advisers - Company Formation by Barry Cowley

Accountants and business advisers - Company Formation by Barry Cowley
Barry Cowley
Barry Cowley
Cowley Holmes Accountants Ltd

To check the availability of a Limited Company name, you can use the Companies House Information Service. Type in the name you want, select the option for “Company Name Availability Search” and see if it comes up in the list. Get in touch for our company formation package.

Barry Cowley
Barry Cowley
Cowley Holmes Accountants Ltd
Managing Partner at Cowley Holmes Accountants in Bedford, which I have been since its inception in 1992. Chartered Accountant and Chartered Tax Adviser providing practical help and tax advice and strategies mainly to owner managed businesses. A special interest in developing the firm and its services to clients to provide a consistent and knowledgeable point of contact for clients in all areas of making themselves and their businesses the best they can be. The firm's strapline of Keeping You Advised, Up To Date And In Control; is basically a more eloquent way of saying that we will tell you what needs to be done; when it needs to be done; and how much it will cost. Communication as always, is an extremely important factor in servicing clients and this, together with a can do attitude is a significant part of the Cowley Holmes culture, to place clients very firmly in the driving seat of running their personal and business financial affairs. Specialties: Accounting and taxation services to owner managed businesses to provide clients with efficient use of their time for better running their own business and to enable them to keep more of what they earn for themselves.

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