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Business plan creation by Jake Standing

Business plan creation by Jake Standing
Jake Standing
Jake Standing
Business Advisory Partner
Kreston Reeves LLP

Wanting to access funding or gain investment for your start-up? Want to hold yourself accountable for your growth plans and ensure you focus on only value-added activities?

Having a business plan is key to the success of your organisation, and helps to anchor why you started the business in the first place.

We can work with you to create a business plan to include a 3 year forecast, which can then be used to help gain investment, act as a guide to developing your business and help you make decisions.

Jake Standing
Jake Standing
Business Advisory Partner
Kreston Reeves LLP
I support growing businesses, consulting on all aspects of business structuring, funding and financial planning and analysis. My specialisms include: - Business consulting and growth planning - Raising finance, grant funding and re-financing of existing debt - Complex Financial reporting, including multi-currency consolidations - Virtual Finance Office services for small and medium businesses - Financial planning and analysis - Lean process management and systems implementation I'm a business owner, trustee for a local hospice, father and a husband. I love running and spending time with my family!  

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