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Cultural awareness and competency training by Garry Connor

Cultural awareness and competency training by Garry Connor
Garry Connor
Garry Connor
Director of Services
diversiti UK Learning and Development C.I.C.

Garry has over 25 years in helping organisations to achieve their potential and grow their businesses. Diversiti UK is a multi-award-winning diversity and inclusion training provider. We have an excellent track record of providing bespoke training which really ‘hits the spot’ for our clients and achieves the results they need.

Our record:

  • Overall attendee satisfaction rate for our courses is 95% and rising

  • Attendees report a 30% average increase in knowledge following our courses


We have helped many clients to achieve and maintain excellence in their business area, including PA Housing, Irwin Mitchell, Oxford Flow, Cambridge City Council, Oxfordshire County Council, Millbrook Industries, and many UK national charities. We build effective lasting relationships with all our clients and many return to us time and time again.

The UK is changing and is one of the most diverse places in the world. This means that your customers look different, think different and behave different. We recognise the importance of training and equipping your workforce to be able to effectively engage with a wide range of individuals, communities and customers. In order to do this, learning more and understanding about other people’s culture and beliefs, is imperative.

This training programme will develop cross-cultural awareness, improve relationships within your workforce and enhance communication with your customers.


Benefits For Your Organisation

This programme will help your staff develop the knowledge, expertise and skills to understand cultural differences and view the world from different perspectives.

Delivered as a half or full day session, our training can be custom designed to meet your requirements and organisational needs. The training programme combines theories, case studies, practical activities and fun! All delivered in a very creative and interactive style.

Contact me now for free to see how we can help you

Garry Connor
Garry Connor
Director of Services
diversiti UK Learning and Development C.I.C.
Garry has been helping organisations and businesses to recognise their potential and grow their businesses for over 25 years. Diversiti UK were formed as a training company with a strong social purpose in 2014. Any profits we make are reinvested in providing support to disadvantaged groups. Garry can help you with equality, diversity, inclusion, cultural competency and safeguarding training.

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