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Digital in Operations

Digital in Operations
John OShanahan
John OShanahan
Managing Director

Free 15 min discovery call, hear how small business owner managers have successfully embraced digitalisation to improve business operations
John OShanahan
John OShanahan
Managing Director
John O’Shanahan is the founder and lead consultant with LeanBPI, a market leader in digital innovation for small businesses, working with Local Enterprise Office clients and Irish SMEs since 2015. John has over 30 years’ experience in business operations, having held multiple roles with leading international companies in markets as diverse as Taiwan, Mexico, and The Netherlands. Lean BPI specialises in helping SMEs/Micro industry clients to improve their workflows, converting from paper based or manual systems to more efficient simplified digital processes. Having completed 200+ successful business improvement projects across a variety of sectors, John’s application of lean best practice, thought leadership and digital innovation has led to clients experiencing increased business performance, reduced costs and sustainable results. As well as helping clients optimise off the shelf software solutions, John and the team at LeanBPI develop bespoke solutions, built to meet client needs, enabling them to implement new workflows, which improve their business performance while reducing the stresses of the day-to-day operations. By applying lean methodologies, and digital Innovations, Lean BPI simplifies and streamlines a business’ processes to maximise its overall business performance. John holds an MSc in Strategic Quality Management, Lean Sigma Systems from the University of Limerick and is a doctoral candidate in the University of Limerick.

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