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Email marketing by Emma Goode

Email marketing by Emma Goode
Emma Goode
Emma Goode
Managing Director
24 fingers Ltd

Email marketing is a win-win and it stands to reason. More than 247 billion emails are sent every day in the world (says Email Marketing Reports) and 58 per cent of adults say they check their email as practically the first thing they do in the morning, according to Customer Intelligence.

So with these stats in mind, here’s how to get the most from your email marketing:

• personalise it and make sure it is relevant; the recipient should be in no doubt what the benefits are for them

• be creative – not just in the content but in the layout. Don’t forget you will need to catch people’s attention quickly

• Get the timing right for your target audience – when will they be most responsive to your product or service? It could be 9pm on a weekday evening – no problem for a scheduled email campaign

• ensure every element is measurable (click conversion rates are vital) so you can see what isn’t working and what is

• ensure it is flexible so you can change it quickly and easily

• and the most important element? Have a strategy in place. Or you could always ask the experts at 24 fingers to put into action a successful email marketing campaign for you.

Book a free discovery call with Emma to find out more.

Emma Goode
Emma Goode
Managing Director
24 fingers Ltd
Hi. We’re 24 fingers, an award-winning digital marketing agency. We help small business owners who are all fingers & thumbs with their marketing to grow their brand. Founder Emma Goode is the proud Local Leader for Enterprise Nation in Essex. Whether it’s getting more leads from social, increasing brand awareness or engaging with your customers, our fingers can help add extra digits to your bottom line. We work with start-ups and companies both big and small, as well as individuals who need a helping hand navigating the ever-changing world of social media. We know how difficult it can be for businesses to keep up with all the algorithm updates. Coming from a copywriting and publishing background, our expert team of content creators also know just how powerful great content can be. Just ask the 26 million people who saw our ‘Nostalgia’ campaign for one of our clients. That was achieved without spending a penny on paid advertising too. Powerful stuff, eh? Whether you need an SEO strategy, help with social media management, advice on what to blog about, how to get more sales from social, or you fancy coming along to one of our practical social media training workshops, our hands are here to support you and your business, whatever stage you’re at. Click here to book your free Strategy Session.

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