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Employee profiling by Steve Jebson

Employee profiling by Steve Jebson
Steve Jebson
Steve Jebson
Business Coach, advisor and mentor
Business Doctors

Employee Profiling

Build your team around your Business with employee profiling

The most important resource for your business, while also being the most expensive investment, are the people that make up your workforce – your employees. When working together to create a strategic aimed plan for your business growth, we will look into the inner workings of your company and gain insight and knowledge about operations, the culture that pervades, and most especially, understanding what it takes for an employee to be a successful member of your team.

Regardless of whether you are hiring for your company or building a specific team for certain job, intelligent employee profiling will not only help with distinguishing the excellent candidates, but will also help you with understanding the individual to identify their potential strengths as well as weaknesses.

Find out more. Book a discovery call with Steve today. 


Steve Jebson
Steve Jebson
Business Coach, advisor and mentor
Business Doctors
I am driven, energetic and committed to helping SME’s achieve a better future for themselves and their businesses.  Drawing on my years of experience running large Commercial teams for major retailers and hospitality companies, I thrive confronting challenges head-on and identifying the best possible solutions. Developing a compelling consumer proposition is key but this has to be aligned with a strong level of commerciality to ensure success. I love to help businesses put together a winning strategy on sales, marketing, people, finance and operations focused on practical implementation plans, measurement and review. From start up to exit I am currently helping business in many sectors and of many sizes.

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