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Marketing Health Check

Marketing Health Check
Shaz Muradova
Shaz Muradova
Senior Marketing Strategist
SM Marketing

Unsure if you're doing things well marketing-wise?
Hit an inspiration block for marketing or PR ideas?

Book a free call, and we can chat through your current marketing activities, social media plan, and general online presence and brainstorm some ideas.
Shaz Muradova
Shaz Muradova
Senior Marketing Strategist
SM Marketing
Shaz Muradova is a senior marketing strategist with over a decade of marketing experience across a diverse set of industries, brands and products. Having launched her own startup during the pandemic, she is familiar with the daily joys and challenges of running the business and the importance of having a sustainable marketing strategy in place that is aligned with the company's objectives and growth ambitions. Currently, she works with ambitious startups, helping them launch their products, brands and teams from scratch.  You can also find her on the stage of marketing and startup events, like Enterprise Nation's StartUp Show 2023 or Snap x GGM 2019. To find out more, visit shazmuradova.com

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