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Storytelling and media relations by Jessica Pilkington

Storytelling and media relations by Jessica Pilkington
Jessica Pilkington
Jessica Pilkington
Pilkington Communications Ltd

We help businesses boost their local, regional and national media presence by spotting and creating relevant news angles, and writing stories in an interesting and compelling way.

As former journalists we understand the media industry, and work hard to build and nurture mutually beneficial relationships with key contacts on behalf of our clients across a range of sectors – positioning clients as spokespeople on relevant industry issues, pitching story ideas, writing press releases and media statements, arranging photo calls, gathering case studies and more.

Jessica Pilkington
Jessica Pilkington
Pilkington Communications Ltd
Pilkington Communications is a PR, social media, copywriting and marketing company specialising in the not for profit sector and creative, inspiring SMEs.

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