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STRATAGILITY - a stractured growth process

STRATAGILITY - a stractured growth process
Amos Beer
Amos Beer
Amos Beer Ltd. T/A Stratagility

Whether your business is struglling to grow, grows faster than you handle, or you are looking for an exit, a structured process is what you need to take you from where you are to where you want to be.
STRATAGILITY® is not just a plan. It is a yearly process that starts with a workshop to set it up, and goes on for a year to acheive its goals. I am at your side from day 1 to day 365 to make sure it succeeds.
Amos Beer
Amos Beer
Amos Beer Ltd. T/A Stratagility
- More than 35 years of managerial experience in small, medium and large companies, local and global, in all the C-suite positions. - Mentored numerous business owners in manufacturing, services, hospitality, entertainment, SaaS, property and other industries - extensive network - experience in preparing a tech startup for first external funding - Created and facilitating STRATAGILITY® - a structured growth process designed for SMEs

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