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Communication Untangled: Untangling menus

Sue Keogh
Sue KeoghSookio

Posted: Wed 22nd Jan 2025

Sean Willard from The Menu Engineers joins us to talk menu design.

What big shifts are we seeing in this post-pandemic era? How do the fonts, colours and material they’re printed on affect our choices? And why should every restaurant offer something that lets you blow the budget?

Plus! How does Netflix use idleness aversion to keep us endlessly scrolling through its menu?

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About Sean Willard

Sean is a seasoned menu engineer dedicated to assisting restaurateurs and hospitality operators worldwide in the creation of optimised menus.

His approach melds the precision of science, the finesse of art, the insights of data and a wealth of industry experience to empower restaurateurs in crafting menus that not only bolster profitability but also elevate the overall guest dining experience.

With a distinguished academic background from Cornell’s prestigious hotel school and an extensive tenure within the restaurant industry spanning over two decades, Sean brings a wealth of knowledge and practical expertise to the realm of menu engineering.

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Sue Keogh
Sue KeoghSookio

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