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Getting fit for business with Capitalise

Getting fit for business with Capitalise

Posted: Wed 26th Jan 2022

Has lockdown left your business a little low on energy? Capitalise has launched a brand-new report tracking just how fit UK businesses are feeling as we head into 2022.

The Get fit for business report isn’t just about healthy numbers. It’s also about healthy people and relationships.

After two years of lockdowns and remote working, Capitalise reports on ways to help your business spring back and leap for growth this year. There’s new research from small business leaders as well as actionable insights and advice from experts like Derrick Evans (AKA Mr Motivator), Paul Surtees and Emma Jones.

Here’s a sneak preview...

Healthy people

People are the backbone of any successful business. And while the pandemic saw leaders putting on a brave face, they also stepped up and invested more in their teams’ health and wellbeing

The research found that 78% of small business leaders increased investment in health and wellbeing, knowing that this would make for a happier and more productive workforce.

But with leaders focusing on keeping their teams motivated and their businesses flourishing, many sacrificed their own wellbeing. Of those leaders surveyed, 75% admitted that the last two years were incredibly stressful – and they’d hidden that stress from their teams.

With the help of the UK’s favourite health and wellbeing coach Mr Motivator, Capitalise’s report provides ways to better look after yourself and your team to create a healthier workplace. Expect insights into how business leaders like you are feeling and managing their health to improve productivity.

Find out more

Healthy relationships

Although lockdowns may have made it more difficult to build new relationships, they also forced business leaders to adapt and improve existing ones. With 64% of leaders wanting to talk to others about their experiences and challenges, there’s never been a better time to connect and compare notes.

With a big focus on relationships, Capitalise found that 66% of business leaders considered accountants their ‘most trusted’ advisers during the pandemic. The report will help you understand who to lean on and when.

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Healthy numbers

Capitalise asked leaders about the year ahead and the areas of personal development they’ll focus on to drive business forward. Skills that came out on top include managing cash flow more effectively (49%) and getting better at tracking their financial health (38%).

Financial fitness means regularly checking your business credit score and being aware of the impact it has on your growth plans. Capitalise’s report gives insight into how other business leaders are feeling about this and what they’re doing to move towards healthier numbers.

The report highlights what to focus on to get your business fit with healthier numbers that help you win contracts, negotiate with suppliers and achieve your goals in 2022.

Learn more here

Ready, set, download

While the pandemic has put you through some tough times the last couple of years, it has also taught you and your team collaboration, determination and how to adapt to new experiences.

Capitalise’s goal is to help you discover a healthier way to do business. By taking care of yourself and your team, reconnecting as well as establishing new relationships and taking control of your finances.

If 2022 feels like your year to get fit for business, download the report for free.


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