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Lunch and Learn: How to be more productive and proactive

Posted: Wed 18th Jan 2023

In this Lunch and Learn, Ayse Cinar demonstrates how to be proactive and productive in business this year. Ayse also shares top tips on how you can save time, scale accordingly and avoid procrastination.

Ayse supports female professionals and entrepreneurs to move from stress and being unheard to becoming the leader they want with time, freedom, joy, and confidence. She leads a community of entrepreneurs through coaching, and speaking at international conferences and platforms and delivers professional training.

Key takeaways from this session:

  • Explore two essential keys for every business to thrive: Productivity and proactivity

  • Learn how the 2Ps go beyond their traditional meaning

  • Take away practical tools to increase productivity, free up time, and feel joy in your business

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An internationally accredited coach (EQA Awarded, the European Mentoring and Coaching Council), a professional trainer (DDS, MBA, PhD, DSci), and TEDX Organizer and Professional Speaker. Dr. Cinar pioneers in the field of leadership coaching, underpinned by growth mindset to have a profound impact on the way the world does business for positive transformation of lives through unlocking and maximizing full potential of professionals. Dr. Cinar is experienced at professional 1-1 coaching (over 850 hours), coaching and leadership training (over 550 hours), coaching/mentoring supervision (over 120 hours), bespoke training (over 850 hours). Most recently, she has become a TEDx organizer and speaker. Dr. Cinar is the winner of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council International Coaching Award (2016), 100 Best Global Coaching Leaders Award, 50 Outstanding Women in Healthcare Management–2016 for her international “resilient self-leadership coaching” project. Dr. Cinar is an accredited Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centred Coach for Effective Leadership Development, and 360 Feedback Assessment. Most recently, she has become a Mental Fitness Coach for Business through a globally success-proven training programme that has been shown to increase, for example, Self-Confidence (83%), Stress and Conflict Management Skills (91% vs. 84%), Leadership skills (30%), Employee engagement and Satisfaction (33%). Dr. Cinar currently coaches at Aspiring Women Project in collaboration with Women Business Station to Boost Self-Confidence and Resilience Skills of female entrepreneurs. She has been also selected as a Women Enterprise Scotland Ambassador (2022) to Empower Resilient and Confident Women Leadership. Dr Cinar coaches one-one and in teams along with coaching training and supervisions for professionals since 2010 through collaboration with diverse international/national stakeholders and business partners. Dr. Cinar provides coaching services to social enterprises such as Know You More and Mindberry that she coaches NHS female professionals and female managers in business for self-confidence, stress-management, resilient leadership, time and priority management. She has coached UK Young Female Leaders (UK 101 Leadership development Program, Level Up). Dr. Cinar works as a consultant coach at the University of Dundee to design, deliver, and assess international coaching trainings with a specific focus on resilient and confident leadership development to international stakeholders. For example, she designed, delivered, and assessed a 96- hours coaching program where she coached the participants for confident self-leadership development and initiated the international accreditation of the training. Dr. Cinar has become a TEDX organizer and speaker for Resilient Female Leadership for Sustainable Development. Dr Cinar has been designing and delivering innovative bespoke training and workshops to business (e.g., Munich Re, Loreal-UNESCO Women in Science, UN Global Week, Fife Business Week, European Mentoring and Coaching Covid-19 series; the Fire Starter Festival, organized by the Government) about certain topics (e.g., Confident Resilient Leadership, Leading with EI, Future skills in the VUCA World, Responsible Leadership & Sustainability, Employee Engagement and Mental Wellbeing). Dr.Cinar has been defined by her coachees and mentees as a very calm and compassionate coach creating `Aha Moments and enabling creative solutions`. She loves to be in nature and to do meditation.

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