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Lunch and Learn: Grow your business with strategic planning

Peter Karran
Peter KarranPractical Service Improvement Ltd

Posted: Fri 14th Apr 2023

In this Lunch and Learn webinar, Peter Karran, director of Practical Service Improvement, explains how to plan and control your business through the economic crisis. Peter shares how you can plan strategically by using a policy deployment x-matrix and visual performance management.

As a mentor, Peter helps small business owners substantially increase profit and cash from their business. He starts with assessing and then increasing competitiveness. His firm Practical Service Improvement evaluates small business performance across five key themes: quality, price, delivery, value proposition and ethics.

Key takeaways from this session:

  • Learn how to achieve your desired results, including creating more profit and generating cash

  • Discover how to build a culture of controlled change and experimentation

  • Find out how to grow your business even in financially challenging times

Peter Karran
Peter KarranPractical Service Improvement Ltd
Helping you to realise substantially increased profit and cash from your business.  i will help you to assess, and hence increase, Competitiveness by considering how you perform across the 6 key Themes: Quality, Cost, Delivery, Agility, Innovation and Customer Experience. You will increase Competitiveness by understanding and closing your Capability gaps, particularly those that chiefly have a high impact on your own key Themes. Peter has excellent networking and communication skills underpinned by the presence, self-confidence and credibility necessary to be effective. He has extensive experience in people management, business process re-design, service improvement, business model innovation and collaboration..

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