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Lunch and Learn: How to create a website that sells

Aggie Dymarska
Aggie DymarskaBranderbee - Web Design and Marketing

Posted: Tue 20th Feb 2024

When creating your business website, making a compelling first impression is crucial. However, the challenge lies in building a site that not only looks good but also sells your products or services effectively.

In this Lunch and Learn, Aggie Dymarska shares insights on building a website that not only wows but effectively turns visitors into paying customers. She explains what are the components that make a website truly impactful and how to avoid making mistakes during the process.

Aggie builds companies and individuals build profitable websites. As a Google-certified UX designer and web designer with over 10 years of experience, she has a range of skills to tackle these challenges. She also regularly shares insights on web design and marketing with her audience.

Key takeaways from this session:

  • Discover the key elements of an impactful website

  • Find out web builders and platforms you can use to build your website

  • Learn how to avoid making costly mistakes along the way

This webinar is part of a series for business.connected. Check out the other events


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Aggie Dymarska
Aggie DymarskaBranderbee - Web Design and Marketing
Website is Not Enough eBook - available here. To successfully build, launch, and sustain a profitable service-based business, you must consistently attract high-paying clients every month and build revenue growth. I can help! Former UX Designer in the retail sector, contributing to a website with over 500,000 active users. 🛍️💻 Consistently outperforming 18,000,000 competitors on Upwork with a flawless 100% satisfaction rating. 🏆 Mentored a budding entrepreneur, guiding them to secure a runner-up position in the Greenwich University Enterprise Challenge that year. Designed, built, and launched numerous websites through my consultancy, Branderbee. 🚀🌐 I am on a mission to help 52 clients by 2025 build their websites and marketing systems, embodying the motto of Website is Not Enough.

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