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How to engage flexible support for your business needs

Melissa Gauge
Melissa GaugeSpare My Time

Posted: Tue 28th Jan 2025

In this session, Melissa Gauge, founder of SpareMyTime, demonstrates how in today’s dynamic business landscape, virtual support can provide the flexibility and expertise you need without the commitment of hiring full-time staff.

Flexible support can streamline your operations, increase productivity and help you focus on your priorities.

Melissa also discusses practical steps for identifying, hiring and effectively collaborating with the right support to meet your business needs.

Topics covered in this session:

  • How engaging flexible, skilled professionals can save time, reduce costs and boost your productivity without the need for full-time hires

  • Practical steps to evaluate your business needs and find the right virtual support that aligns with your goals and tasks

  • A structured approach to assess your workload, prioritise effectively and determine which tasks are best outsourced to make your business as efficient as possible

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Melissa Gauge
Melissa GaugeSpare My Time
I left the City in 2016 when it became clear that life with small children and a full-time executive career wasn’t for me.  I wanted to create something that really helped people, like me, who were forging a way forward, balancing work with family life.  When my children went to school I realised there were many highly talented individuals unable to return to work due to the limitations of childcare.  I also started to meet a number of exciting small businesses in need of support but were struggling to find an appropriate level of flexibility, quality and knowledge for their growing businesses.  This developed into a passion for building a solution for both sides.  A truly supportive working environment where people can thrive outside a classic 9-5 office structure whist providing reliable, high calibre support to businesses and individuals looking to achieve more productivity and peace of mind. SpareMyTime was born!

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