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Lunch and Learn: Level up your personal performance as a business owner

Clotilde Bouaoud
Clotilde BouaoudThe Expanded Way

Posted: Thu 18th May 2023

In this Lunch and Learn, certified high performance coach Clotilde Bouaoud shares science-backed strategies and daily practices for achieving and sustaining high performance in business while maintaining your sanity.

Clotilde is founder of The Expanded Way and one of the 1,000 elite Certified High Performance Coaches in the world. Her mission is helping driven entrepreneurs and businesses build sustainable and enjoyable success, without the doubts, frustration or burnout.

Key takeaways from this session:

  • What science has to say about reaching and sustaining high performance in your business and life

  • The six habits to focus on building intentionally

  • Simple strategies and daily practices to apply right away

Clotilde Bouaoud
Clotilde BouaoudThe Expanded Way
Congrats you made it! You created a business, got some level of success. Maybe grew a team around you already.So why are you still feeling overwhelmed and overloaded?I am going to venture a guess. ⤵️Even though you thought you could relax and enjoy the rewards of all your hard work…You now must face a hard truth– there is another steep learning curve to go through!Figuring out how to keep the business growing and profitable…While also learning how to deal with humans and lead a team.You are in the death spot for a lot of businesses.Because this tends to happen…😵 You start underperforming as a founder/leaderYour energy is at 0, you are mentally exhausted with all the decisions and juggling to do.Time seems to constantly run away from you. You are fire-fighting daily, and feeling dissatisfied with the business progress.Lack of confidence and doubts about the future sneak in regularly.You don’t know if you have what it takes to keep going much longer...Or/and🤜Your team is not optimized enough to move the business aheadYou have hired talented people but they are not using their full potential yet.You struggle to keep them connected with the business mission.You see them working too hard without managing their well-being.Communication and collaboration are not smooth, and conflict is happening.You end up questioning if you are doing the right thing as a leader…💡What if I told you there is a proven way to improve the situation, without losing your sanity or your time?By going through science-backed Certified High Performance programs with me!✅ 2 options👉 1:1 coaching to boost your personal performance and leadership, so that you get the peace of mind that you are showing up at your best👉 Bespoke training/coaching programs to engage your team at another level and unleash their potential to support business results✅ 3 steps to start1) Choose if you’d like support for yourself and/or for your team2) Schedule a discovery call so we can explore the best option3) Continue your business journey with more enjoyment and peace of mindYou fought so hard to bring the business to life and grow it that far. I know you don’t want all your efforts to go to waste, nor let your team down!Save yourself the big headaches and unnecessary struggles.With the right strategies and daily practices to boost you and your team, your business can do amazing without the pressure constantly on your shoulders.📅 Book a Discovery Call today: http://theexpandedway.com/schedule-a-discovery-call/Clo - Your Coach

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