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Staying positive and in profit in 2025

Posted: Wed 8th Jan 2025

This is an essential session for entrepreneurs and businesses aiming to thrive in the luxury market.

Join this 'kick-off-the-year' Lunch and Learn with Enterprise Nation founder, Emma Jones, where she covers techniques and tactics to keep your outlook positive and your business in profit for the year ahead.

Emma is the founder of Enterprise Nation, a team of nearly 50 people who work each day to create a positive community and environment in which small businesses can start and flourish.

Topics covered in this session

  • Boosting daily productivity and positivity

  • Forming sales resilience

  • Surrounding yourself with cheerleaders

Emma's key points from the webinar

Business planning and strategy

  • A business plan acts as a roadmap and guides decision-making. It maps the current state of your business, where you want the business to go in the future, and the steps you need to take to achieve your goals.

  • Enterprise Nation's 2025 plan focuses on four key pillars: finances, clients and community, operations, and people.

  • Refreshing the business plan every quarter, and doing a full review every year, helps you stay on track and make sure you're delivering on your plans.

Customer relations and growth

  • Decide who your ideal clients are based on your revenue and profit targets. This will guide your strategies for sales and retaining customers.

  • Focus on keeping existing customers happy by making sure you're providing an exceptional product or service. It's cheaper to keep existing customers than attract new ones!

  • Use social commerce platforms like Amazon, LinkedIn, TikTok, Instagram and Facebook to reach new customers.

Technology and operations

  • There are so many digital tools and pieces of technology available now to help you generate more revenue, improve your customer service and deliver a higher standard of product – all while running your business more efficiently.

  • As your business grows, begin introducing more processes, policies and health and safety plans. These will help you work more smartly and effectively.

Market opportunities

  • Explore opportunities with retailers like Boots and the Co-op, who are actively seeking new, innovative beauty and wellness brands.

  • Anticipate a recovery in international trade for small businesses in 2025. This comes as a result of new UK government trade deals with emerging markets.

Funding and innovation

  • For small business lending, consider using community development finance institutions (CDFIs). These are now better funded by the British Business Bank.

  • Think of innovation as combining discoveries and influences over time to introduce fresh ideas at the right moment, rather than inventing something entirely new.

About Enterprise Nation

Enterprise Nation is the UK's most active small business network, helping thousands of people turn their good idea into a great business. Join today to get everything you need to start and grow your small business, in one place.


Watch previous Lunch and Learns from our library of webinars

Enterprise Nation has helped thousands of people start and grow their businesses. Led by founder, Emma Jones CBE, Enterprise Nation connects you to the resources and expertise to help you succeed.

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