Lunch and Learn: Transforming your business into a brand
Posted: Tue 9th Jul 2024
In this Lunch and Learn, brand expert Giles Etherington explains how creating a brand for your business will help you better connect with your customers, turning them into advocates for your brand and selling your business for you.
When you think about your business as a business, you tend to use the rational part of your brain, giving people rational reasons why they should buy your products and/or services.
However, when you think about your business as a brand, you're engaging with the emotional part of your brain. You start to tap into the emotions your customers are experiencing during the decision-making process.
Watch this session to understand how thinking like a brand will increase the clarity and confidence that you and your customers have in your business.
Giles is the founder of Brand Satellite, a multi-award-winning consultancy based in Scotland, with clients across the UK. He helps purpose-driven small business owners think, look and act like big brands, giving you and your customers clarity and confidence in your business.
Key takeaways from this session:
Gain a better understanding of the importance of creating a brand for your business
Discover what you need to think about to connect with your customers better
Get a first draft of your purpose
This webinar is part of a series for business.connected. Check out the other events
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