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How to create a vision statement for your business

Paul Kelly
Paul KellyPANDEK Group Limited

Posted: Fri 5th Apr 2024

In this Lunch and Learn, Paul Kelly, founder of PANDEK Group, will help you unlock knowledge and break habitual thinking in your workforce by eradicating "lean out - 80:20" meetings.

Paul has in-depth experience in areas such as education, training, health-care provision, retail, and the voluntary division. In all these fields, he uses his facilitation, coaching and training skills to bring the best out of individuals, upskill where needed, and unite teams while also leaving them with a clearer vision and a passion to achieve.

Topics covered in this session

  • The positive impact of visioning within businesses

  • How to structure a vision statement

  • Knowing the difference between vision and mission statements

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Paul Kelly
Paul KellyPANDEK Group Limited
PANDEK Group - Facilitation - Training - Coaching The SPECIALISTS in VISIONING - Unlocking the Power of a Clear Vision Statement for Organisations & Individuals - Building Team Alignment – Generating Innovation – Increasing Ownership – Raising Staff Satisfaction VISION +MISSION + VALUES + STRATEGY Use the following link to view more information on our website: Book a appointment Visioning Facilitation Training Coaching Testimonials LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Paul has in depth experience in areas such as education, training, health care provision, retail, and the voluntary division. In all these fields he uses his facilitation, coaching and training skills to bring the best out of individuals, upskill where needed, unite teams while also leaving them with a clearer vision and a passion to achieve. Workshops with Paul are not going to leave you leaning back in your chair watching the clock. He has an engaging, energetic energy which will fill the room to suit the participants needs. His humour and pedagogical approaches will have 100% of participants involved and contributing from the outset. Two of the key attributes that makes every workshop that Paul facilitates to be successful are his ability to listen hard and to ask the right questing, in the right way, at the right time. Very often these can be difficult questions that are avoided, but he does this in a secure and safe way, bringing forth valuable answers. Having worked with several thousand young adults for lengthy periods of time over the last two decades, he has witnessed many of the changing trends and urgencies. During this time, he has always prioritised the wellbeing of his participants and encouraged growth of their resilience. He was doing this long before they became buzz words. Groups and organisations may or may not have a Vision Statement when Paul works with them, but by the end of their time with him, they will have much more than a clear vision. From the workshops employees and stakeholders will feel validated and empowered by a sense of direction. When a vision is understood and embraced by stakeholders it raises aspirations, encourages ownership, expands innovation, boosts staff satisfaction, improves retention. All these contributing factors increases productivity and or profits but more importantly to Paul, it helps individuals to feel they are part of something which gives them a sense of belonging and pride in themselves. Paul believes that “Vision” is much more than a wish for the future or a document that is refreshed ever few years. A clear vision feeds into a group’s mission, it’s goals, it’s beliefs and team alignment. It has the power to improve peoples’ resilience and wellbeing in the workplace. Paul also has a Masters in Documentary Photography. He is a published photographer and has exhibited many of his humanitarian documentaries throughout Ireland and the UK. On a personal level Paul is an avid vegetable grower and an enthusiastic AFOL (Adult Fan of LEGO). FAQs Next time you are talking to Paul, ask him where the name PANDEK comes from... it is a lovely story.

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