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How powerful website messaging increases your conversions

Celia Rizothanasi
Celia RizothanasiQueen Bee Marketing Hive

Posted: Wed 1st Nov 2023

In this Lunch and Learn, business.connected adviser Celia Rizothanasi explains how to develop powerful messages that prompt your website visitors to take action.

She also covers how to create an elevator pitch website.

Topics covered in this session

  • The best messaging framework to help you develop the copy for your homepage

  • How to develop powerful calls to action

  • Why repetition is critical for conversion

This webinar is part of a series for business.connected. Check out the other events


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Celia Rizothanasi
Celia RizothanasiQueen Bee Marketing Hive
★ Discover your entrepreneurial flow & thrive in the wild. Are you a corporate escapee seeking to define your personal brand online and position your services with elegance and grace? Then, you are in the right place! I am the Queen Bee of LinkedIn, a marketing communications strategist and personal branding specialist on LinkedIn. My clients will tell you that I’m known for positioning their services with clarity, developing compelling calls to action and helping them attract prospects on LinkedIn with integrity and authenticity. I am also a Chartered Marketer since 2009, and was fortunate to be involved in LinkedIn Marketing for the last 12 years. Like you, I'm a corporate escapee, I left that world over 10 years ago. That's one of the reasons I love helping other consultants and coaches to promote their knowledge based business on LinkedIn effectively. I'd love to connect so please get in touch. Yours in flow Celia

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