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Member of the Month: Emy Mendoza

Member of the Month: Emy Mendoza
Emy Mendoza
Emy MendozaChokuReiki Healing

Posted: Wed 26th Jun 2024

Congratulations to our Member of the Month for June, Emy Mendoza, founder of ChokuReiki Healing.

Emy started his business to find purpose. While he had a very successful corporate marketing career in Colombia and the UK, it wasn’t meaningful work. He explains:

“Working in marketing was great but I was working really hard to help big brands sell more, make more money and I didn't find it very meaningful. What I do now – my wellness business – gives me purpose.”

Emy details how his spiritual awakening led him to become a Reiki master, then a yoga teacher, candle maker, jewellery designer and recently, even a sound healing practitioner.

Did you always want to start a business?   

I am originally from Colombia and worked in corporate media, marketing and communications for many years. I have lived in the UK for 14 years and started exploring my spirituality in 2009.

I always knew I had a little something but didn't discover it until I had my first angel reading. This session changed my life and opened a beautiful door of self-discovery and exploration, leading me to where I am today.

I was intuitive, very tuned into energy and very connected, but I didn't know how to use this energy. When I moved to the UK, my spiritual awakening ramped up and I started to be more tuned into this energy.

I didn't know how to find a meaningful and positive way to channel this energy. My mentor in Colombia suggested a few things and that is when I discovered Reiki and knew it was going to be for me. I found my Reiki master and started training in the UK in 2012 and that is how I started my business journey.

I initially did it as a side hustle to help people and didn’t really charge or actively look for clients. But after some years I wanted to deepen my connection with Reiki and teach it so I decided to become a Reiki master.

Watch this webinar to learn about the benefits of diversifying your income streams:

How did the idea for the business come about? 

After I qualified as a Reiki master, I realised it could be my career. At this point, I knew I was going to transition from the corporate world into being self-employed and focusing on my wellness business.

After I found Reiki, I also started practising yoga at the gym. My connection with yoga also started to become essential in 2018. It was just before COVID hit that I decided to qualify as a yoga teacher.

I planned to go to Rishikesh in India for my training in 2020 but then COVID changed everything. I did end up getting my qualification online with the school in Rishikesh.

Although my physical body was not there, my spirit and soul were in India learning from all these gurus and people that were amazing in philosophy and the asanas.

When did you realise it was a viable business?

When COVID hit, I had a few regular clients and needed to figure out a way for my business to still work even though I could not see people. I had an idea to make healing candles.

It was a time when people were struggling as they couldn’t see family over Christmas. My candles became a segway to connect people and tap into that loving energy of families. So, my first product was Reiki healing candles in December 2020. I launched six candles for relaxation, stress and anxiety, which continue to be relevant. I also launched some candles to help people boost their energy, balance their moods and emotions and ground their energy and one for love.

My corporate job was very stressful and during COVID, the workload became astronomical. So in 2021, I decided to take the plunge as my candles became popular and I was also a qualified yoga teacher. Crystals are important in Reiki, so I decided to add another offering to my business – jewellery with crystals. When I was in Colombia, I used to design jewellery so my crystals are ethically sourced from small independent mines from all over the world. I do not produce the jewellery wholesale. I want people to have a piece that is unique to them and resonates with their energy.

When I became self-employed, my corporate job hired me to teach yoga and now I have a few corporate clients for yoga and Reiki therapy.

What’s next for the business?

I have a new element to my business. I recently qualified as a sound healing practitioner. I am now working on a blend of the three – yoga, sound healing and Reiki. I also started to do day retreats in the UK and want to scale it by doing trips abroad as well.

I also want to scale the product side, but do not want to lose its uniqueness.

I want to do more collaborations and am looking to connect with other wellness practitioners.

What do you want to see from the next government when it comes to LGBTQ+ business support?

Although we live in a liberal country where same-sex marriage is legal, people are still struggling. Transgender people still face a lot of issues with being recognised, still have a lot of problems with being able to access medicine and therapy, and hate crime has increased in the last three years. My question for the incoming government is what are they going to do to ensure that queer people have their rights?

Representation and support for LGBTQ+ businesses are also really important. My question to them is how are they ensuring diversification of the business is treated equally. For example, I am gay. I am Latino. I am Black. How are we making sure that people within those communities have equal rights and representation?

Have you faced any specific challenges as an LGBTQ+ founder? How did you navigate them?  

I have experienced hate and abuse a few times when I have set up in markets. Just because I sell my stuff outside, doesn’t mean I have to hide my personality. I am not non-binary and don’t dress fluidly, but I have long hair and am skinny and tall. I like wearing baggy clothes and dress a little androgynously. People have come up to me to ask if I am a boy or a girl when it is none of their business. When they think that I am transgender, is when they start to abuse me verbally.

It doesn’t happen often, but I am not the sort of person who feels afraid of expressing myself. If people have a problem with that, then just don't look at me. If this leads them to be abusive, I don’t carry that burden as they are the ones really suffering from deeper issues. They are the ones who are jealous as they are unable to express themselves and have to be hateful.

I believe it is important to signpost that you are a queer business so that others in the community know that it is a safe place. If there is a transgender person who wants to come to a session, then they know that they do not have to fear. I guarantee that there’s not going to be hate in my sessions.

The worst thing we can do is hide ourselves for fear of not growing our businesses. We have to be proud and loud, that is my business mantra. If you are a queer business owner, you have to be proud and loud and make sure that you are always showcasing your products with pride.

How did you get involved with Enterprise Nation and how has it benefited your business? 

I went to a festival in London three years ago and the lady who had a stall next to me told me about Enterprise Nation. I signed up, created my profile and started to join sessions. I always check the weekly emails as there is always something relevant.

What you do is so relevant and your offering and support are holistic. I love the concept of the Lunch and Learns, where you discover something topical in half an hour.

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Emy Mendoza
Emy MendozaChokuReiki Healing
Hello!  I am Emy, your Reiki Master, Crystal Healer, Sound Healing Facilitator and Yoga Teacher. I founded ChokuReiki Healing in 2019 to bring healing energy and positive vibes to you. ​I am originally from Colombia and started exploring my spirituality in 2009. Reiki came to me from a divine guidance to channel my energy to help people out. I started my Reiki journey in 2014 studying at the London Reiki Academy where I qualified as Reiki therapist and Reiki Master following Mikao Usui techniques. ​I started practicing Yoga in 2012 because I wanted something that would give me the freedom to move my body and tuned in with my energy. I started my Yoga Teacher journey in 2020 with a school in India as I wanted to learn the classic Yoga style and get to understand the Yoga philosophy from the source. My brand ChokuReiki Healing is all about sharing love and positive vibes to support people's energy and mental health through my work as energy healer and my handmade healing products (candles, crystal jewellery, oils and salts).

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