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Podcast: How to help support small businesses during coronavirus

Rhea Freeman
Rhea FreemanRhea Freeman - Social . Media. Marketing

Posted: Wed 1st Apr 2020

How to support small businesses during coronavirus

Coronavirus and the impact it's having on small businesses is already extensive, so in this podcast Rhea Freeman focuses on how to help support small businesses during coronavirus.

Lots of the ideas in this podcast will cost you nothing to do but could well make the world of difference to a small business near you. It also might help you think slightly differently about supporting small businesses during this time and encouraging people to support your company.

Join Rhea Freeman for free online training on Instagram Stories on 3 April. Register here.

The latest coronavirus support information

We are keeping you updated on the latest information on how to access the government's coronavirus business support here. You can also find advice and ask a question on Enterprise Nation's coronavirus business advice hub. Follow Enterprise Nation on Twitter too for updates.

Rhea Freeman
Rhea FreemanRhea Freeman - Social . Media. Marketing
I help small businesses, solopreneurs and influencers promote themselves better with little to no budget. And as you'd guess, most of this is done around social media and digital. I usually work with businesses that have some connection to the rural or equestrian space, from being located there to serving there. I also run three Facebook groups, two of which are membership groups, to provide people who want upskill with additional support. In addition, I love speaking at events where I can help people get enthused and grow their confidence around social media, the power of digital, and how they have everything they need to get started.

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