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Spring Statement 2022: The small business reaction

Spring Statement 2022: The small business reaction

Posted: Wed 23rd Mar 2022

Join a panel of experts, small business owners and Enterprise Nation members as they share their instant reaction to chancellor Rishi Sunak's Spring Statement on 23 March from 12.30pm. You can also share your comments. Scroll down to access the live chat.

Read a report from Enterprise Nation and the Entrepreneurs Network outlining what we would like the chancellor to announce for small businesses.

The Spring Statement small business panel:

Join the panel in the live chat box below from 12.30pm on 23 March. If you can't see the live chat box, you can access it here.

Enterprise Nation has helped thousands of people start and grow their businesses. Led by founder, Emma Jones CBE, Enterprise Nation connects you to the resources and expertise to help you succeed.

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