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From likes to leads: Ways to win with social media

From likes to leads: Ways to win with social media
Louise Chandler
Louise ChandlerSoundbite Media

Posted: Wed 18th Dec 2024

We live in a very busy world. Even when we’re on social media looking at posts, we are often multi-tasking – watching TV, eating a sandwich, chatting to friends or commuting on the train.

Here are my observations and even some ideas you could try to grab the attention of that all-important potential customer.

How to get customers' attention

Give the first line impact

You want to grab the attention of the reader in the first line of the post. Think about what might make people stop scrolling past your post. Avoid large chunks of text. Try to create space in your social posts – spreading out your copy to make it clearer to read as people scroll through different content

Know your audience

It’s really important to know your audience. This will help you to create content that is useful and based on topics that they're interested in. Find out more about your audience and look at who is following you, commenting and interacting with you to understand their needs and wants.

Use emojis

Add some emojis to bring personality to your post.

Drive the conversation

Get the conversation started. Ask questions and invite interaction. As people, we like to voice our opinions and share advice or knowledge, so invite people to participate.

Write in plain English

Keep your sentences short and avoid acronyms and jargon. If something is complicated, explain it in simple terms like you would explain it to a friend in real life.

Think visually

What different images or videos could you use to tell the reader more about you? Try creating a story for a ‘behind the scenes’ view of your day. Or go live and record a video where you share practical tips and advice.

Keep posts short

Posts should be around one paragraph, perhaps 280 characters with a clear call to action (CTA) to give the reader an instruction. For example, clicking a link, calling a phone number or sending a DM (direct message).

Make the most of hashtags

The point of using hashtags is to identify a keyword or topic that will interest your audience. When they search for it, your content will appear. The top hashtags at the moment are #love #photooftheday and #fashion, but what ones will you choose to make your content stand out?

Use social to sell if you have products you want to advertise

For example, on Facebook and Instagram, load your products into the shop section.

When someone taps a product tag on your post or a product sticker in your story, they’ll be taken to a product description page where they will see an image of the product from your post, a description of the product and how much the product costs. You can also include a link that takes them directly to your website, where they can purchase the product.



Explaining yourself via social media

Social media gives you a chance to create, share or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities so use it to explain the following:

1. Who you are

Do you have particular qualifications that give you credibility within your industry? Have you got good quality images of you ‘in action mode’ as a stylist, chef, plumber, etc so you can use the photos on social media?

Don’t forget to tell your followers and fans on social media so they can understand more about you and build a rapport.

2. What you sell

When a fan or follower comes across your social media profile, it’s highly likely that they may not know much about your products and services. Don’t be afraid to convey what you sell without being pushy or giving hard sales to share your story of success.

3. Where you sell it

Is your business linked to a particular place? Is the location of your business unique to what you sell? For instance, a distinctive cake recipe that hails from your home town. Be proud and promote your business in your area.

4. Who you sell it to

Your audience is key to any messages you share. Who are they? What profession or job do they do?  What do they enjoy doing in their spare time? What is their age or gender?

These questions may seem useless or even obvious – but until you’re able to understand your audience, how can you connect with them? For example, cosmetic brands like L'Oréal can be seen via Snapchat communicating effectively with their ideal customer.

Relevant resources

Louise Chandler
Louise ChandlerSoundbite Media

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