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The entrepreneur creating aromatherapy products for use with face masks

The entrepreneur creating aromatherapy products for use with face masks
Yasmine El Ghamrawy
Yasmine El Ghamrawyyasmine@yatlina.com

Posted: Fri 5th Mar 2021

With face coverings now part of everyday life due to the coronavirus pandemic, certified aromatherapist Yasmine ElGhamrawy recognised the need for an aromatherapy product. She created Yatlina.

To learn how to launch her new business, Yasmine turned to the Amazon Small Business Accelerator e-learning programme.

She shares her story.

The free Amazon Small Business Accelerator e-learning programme is advice from more than 30 business experts in 218 bitesize videos.

If you're already an Enterprise Nation member, log-in to your learning dashboard to access the e-learning. If you're not an Enterprise Nation member, you can join the Amazon Small Business Accelerator for free here.

How did you come up with your business idea?

I studied aromatherapy for three years after deciding to switch careers at the age of 40. I was in a highly creative but stressful job for 20 years doing visual effects for film. I used essential oils and aromatherapy to help me deal with my own stress and burn-outs and decided I want to learn more about the science behind it.

Once I got into it, I loved it even more and began realising there is a whole aspect of natural health that can be utilised for mental and physical wellbeing while relying on scientific research and safety measures.

I created Yatlina to bring safe and effective products that you can use to support you holistically. Plus, I love nice smelling products so that is always a bonus!

What start-up challenges have you faced and how have you overcome them?

I had held back on starting a business because there was so much to learn. However when lockdown began and masks started becoming a normal thing, I was asked by a lot of friends and family about safe use of essential oils with masks.

I threw myself into it and from the day I decided to do it until the launch on 7 September 2020, it was only 10 weeks. During that time, I tested out formulas for the product and I had to quickly learn about packaging and branding (which my husband helped with as he was previously a graphic designer).

I also had to set up the business side of things like getting an accountant, registering the company and getting insurance. I also made sure I registered the company with the Aromatherapy Trade Council. I also made sure that all my personal memberships to organisations that keep checks on holistic therapies and aromatherapy were up to date. I wanted to make sure that I set very high standards of safety so that when people buy products from me, they know it is safe and properly formulated.

I also wanted sustainability integrated into the company and not just a buzzword to generate some sales and traffic.

It has been a very steep learning curve, but I am enjoying it. I miss the formulating and research part, but I am finding joy in the business side now that I see the results of all the hard work.

Yasmina mask drops

How has the Amazon Small Business Accelerator e-learning programme helped you?

Every single video, even on subjects I initially thought wouldn't be of interest, have had at least one or two tips that I can action, whether it's a link to an app to track performance, a website I can search for keywords to help with writing articles or how to approach a certain situation. I have learnt from every video as cheesy as it sounds.

Here are three examples of videos and the tips I picked up:

Setting up on the Amazon Stores: Even though I am not at this stage yet, I want to know what to plan for from the very beginning so when I am ready to start selling on Amazon, it's set up and I don't have any setbacks.

Build online via content and community: This video was very informative and helped me to adjust my content on social media. I have really seen a difference in engagement since doing that.

The 'Secrets to SEO success' video was a real eye opener. I am now much more careful in how I word my product descriptions based on my new understanding of how search engine optimisation and search engines work. I am now including internal links in my blog posts, monitoring my brand and product names to see the backlinks and track mentions that I might leverage.

What are your plans for the future of your business?

I am developing more products but from what I have learnt since I started my business, I am more realistic about the budget and the time it takes to launch a new product.

I am also working on building a following of like-minded people who are interested in the same subjects. I've shifted my social media posts to include more information and not just a sales pitch.

With marketing and PR, I will try and be more targeted and not just send out random adverts. I'm focusing on the UK in 2021 and then plan to launch in Egypt and MENA from 2022.

My main platform is online, but if I can find an appropriate physical retailer, I might consider that too.

What are your tips for business success?

My tips are:

  • Plan, plan and then plan again.

  • Don't fall into the trap of trying to gather followers on a social media platform if the target customer for your product is not there.

  • Be nice to everyone online and delete annoying comments without engaging with trolls.

  • Make sure your website and e-commerce is fully tested and running smoothly before you launch.

  • Branding takes time to get right if you want to stand out and not look generic.

  • Packaging will cost way more than you initially thought and it takes time to arrive.

  • There is very little room for mistakes once you send labels for printing so make sure you proofread. Send it to a trusted friend to read through.

The free Amazon Small Business Accelerator e-learning programme is advice from more than 30 business experts in 218 bitesize videos.

If you're already an Enterprise Nation member, log-in to your learning dashboard to access the e-learning. If you're not an Enterprise Nation member, you can join the Amazon Small Business Accelerator for free here.

Yasmine El Ghamrawy
Yasmine El Ghamrawyyasmine@yatlina.com
My name is Yasmine ElGhamrawy. I worked in film visual effects for 20 years and lived in several countries around the world before deciding to pursue a career in aromatherapy. I wanted to learn a more in depth and scientific reason behind all the benefits I noticed from my own use of essential oils that helped me in times of high stress and burnout. I am personally registered and insured as an aromatherapist with organizations in the UK/EU and the USA. (NAHA, AIA, IFPA, FHT) My company is registered with the Aromatherapy trade council in the UK to ensure third party compliance with consumer safety and label claim regulations. I also have a diploma in natural skincare development where I blend my love of aromatherapy with 100% natural ingredients to create gentle and effective formulas. Connect with me on social media where you can find me as @yatlina (Instagram, Facebook, Clubhouse, Pinterest, Twitter, Linkedin) Send me a DM or email for any extra information. 

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