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The Next Generation hub is designed to help you start or grow a business. Sign up today for free e-learning videos, events, inspiring blogs, and support from peers and business experts.


Join other young entrepreneurs from Birmingham who are starting or growing businesses. You’ll not only get free training, but gain access to events, helpful content, funding, and the chance to ask local business experts for advice.

Birmingham sign up

Next Generation


What is the Next Generation hub?

The hub offers a wealth of support to guide young people in Birmingham towards starting or growing a business. Created in partnership with Launch It, the hub is part of the UK’s Community Renewal Fund.


Why should I sign up?

If you have a business idea but can’t get it started alone, or if you’d like support for a venture you’ve set up already, the hub has the education and inspiration you need to achieve your goals.


Who is the support for?

Next Generation aims to support thousands of young people in Birmingham who would benefit from support in starting or starting or growing their own business. It’s tailored for young people who might not have easy access to the finance and opportunities needed to go into business for themselves.

Why have Enterprise Nation and Launch It partnered?

Launch It empowers young people to fulfil their potential by providing the workspace, mentoring and training needed to start a business.

Created in partnership with Launch It, the Next Generation programme aims to give thousands of young people in Birmingham the support to start a business.

Supported by

Enterprise NationLaunchITCharities Aid FoundationCovid-19 Support Fundnotting hill genesissouthern housingoptivohydepeabodymtvha2dominionone housingclarion