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What do the free bootcamps involve?

Grow your business alongside other entrepreneurs from East Staffordshire by joining weekly one-hour virtual sessions in this free five-week bootcamp. Plus, one bootcamp attendee will be selected to win a £500 grant to help grow their business.

Week 1

Honing your entrepreneurial edge 

This bootcamp is for business owners who are keen to upskill. Learn how to develop a mindset that sharpens your ability to spot new opportunities, makes you more resourceful, and gives you everything you need to thrive amid change and uncertainty. 

Honing your entrepreneurial edge 

Week 2

Mastering finance and managing costs

In the wake of rising inflation and costs, understanding how to manage your finances has never been more important. In this bootcamp, you'll learn financial strategies to make your business stable and resilient and in the best place to achieve sustained growth. 

Mastering finance and managing costs

Week 3

Storytelling and small business marketing

Dive into the art of storytelling, a key element to being successful on the high street. Discover how to craft compelling narratives to support your marketing efforts, engage customers and promote local initiatives like Discover East Staffordshire. 

Storytelling and small business marketing

Week 4

Going digital and finding new opportunities

Explore how adopting digital tools and technology can make your business more efficient and unlock new sales channels, from online stores to social media platforms. Find out how to boost sales and profits using the Google product suite (such as Maps, Ads and Reviews) and tapping into social commerce platforms like TikTok. Discover how to attract new customers and seize on fresh opportunities, making sure your business thrives in the digital age. 

Going digital and finding new opportunities

Week 5

Sustainability and the green economy

Immerse yourself in small business sustainability and ways to help tackle the climate crisis. Find out how to build eco-friendly practices into your operations and develop a plan to help your business become more sustainable. 

Sustainability and the green economy

Frequently asked questions

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