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What do the free bootcamps involve?

Grow your business alongside other young entrepreneurs by joining this free eight-week bootcamp. You'll receive training in entrepreneurship through group workshops and one-to-one mentoring. You'll also get access to e-learning, networking opportunities and online resources.  At the end of the eight weeks, you'll be able to pitch for a chance to win up to £1,000 for your business. 

Weeks 1–2

Honing your entrepreneurial edge 

This bootcamp is designed to take your business idea to a fully planned, registered and active business in just eight weeks. In the first workshop, you'll learn who your customers are and set up your social media accounts in 45 minutes. At the end, you'll understand how to turn your idea into a profitable venture.

Honing your entrepreneurial edge 

Weeks 3–4

From idea to prototype and storytelling

Build an understanding of your target market and learn how to communicate with your customer. Discover the steps to creating a minimum viable product or service and learn how to test assumptions and iterate based on feedback.

From idea to prototype and storytelling

Weeks 5–6

Going digital and pitching for success

Learn the essentials of branding and build a digital-first brand that attracts clients. Find out how to pitch your business with a masterclass on pitch structure and delivery, which you'll then use to pitch in our Dragon’s Den pitching event for a chance to win up to £1,000 for your business.

Going digital and pitching for success

Weeks 7–8

Small business marketing

Learn how to form a digital marketing strategy and develop a comprehensive strategy for your online marketing, including social media, SEO and content marketing. Discover how to create a business with impact by exploring your business's wider influence and how to use technology for social good.

Small business marketing

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Join a series of free bootcamps to access training and advice on developing your start-up, and pitch for £1,000 for your business.

Sign up now