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Become a thriving digital business in three simple steps


Answer a few short and simple questions for us

Your responses tell us how your business operates, particularly when it comes to technology.


Receive personalised recommendations

We'll use your answers to offer advice and steer you towards digital tools that meet your specific needs.


Save your results to come back to later

We know you're likely to adopt technology gradually, so you can access your results at any time.

Benefits of adopting digital tools and technology

* Source: Be the Business G7 Productive Business Index, July 2023

150 hours

could be saved each year by automating everyday tasks and processes


improvement in productivity would add £94 billion to the economy*


could flow into the economy as a result of businesses adopting AI

Digital starter kit for small businesses

With support from our Tech Hub consortium partners

googlesageDell Technologies Logotech-hub-square-logotech-hub-clearpay-logoBCS, The Chartered Institute for IT

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

About Tech Hub

Research shows that a quarter of small and medium-sized businesses that buy technology struggle to use it efficiently because of a lack of knowledge. This is where Tech Hub comes in.

A partnership between Enterprise Nation, Google and Sage, Tech Hub starts with a simple diagnostic tool.

Answer questions about your business, your confidence with technology and what you're looking for. The tool will analyse your needs and deliver a series of recommended solutions.

You'll also receive training on how to implement these digital tools within your business and guidance on how such technology can be a real catalyst for growth.

About Tech Hub