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Terms and conditions



1. The Administrator

  • 1.1. The Administrator of the grant programme is:
    Enterprise Nation Ltd
    133 Whitechapel High Street
    E1 7QA

2. The Programme

  • 2.1. The title of the Programme is ‘Three’s grants for small business programme 2024’ (the Programme).

  • 2.2. The Programme is intended to offer grant funding ("Grants") to provide support to eligible Companies as part of Three’s commitment to small businesses and giving back to the community.
    The Programme is open to all Eligible Companies (as defined in Section 4, below). Entry will be by submission (via the Administrator’s Website at enterprisenation.com/three-grants) of a fully completed application for grant funding, in accordance with Section 3, below.

  • 2.3. The Grants will be funded by the Sponsor of the Programme:
    28-29 Sir John Rogerson’s Quay
    Dublin 2

  • 2.4. All applications for Grants received between the Opening Date and Closing Date (as defined in Section 3.1, below) (Applications) will first be assessed by the Administrator (on its own or using a third party agent) for eligibility (in accordance with Section 4). All eligible applications will then be scored by the Administrator against a set of criteria including (but not limited to)(the Criteria):

    • 2.4.1. the activity of the business;

    • 2.4.1. the financial standing of the company;

    • 2.4.1. the impact of the company on its community,

  • 2.5. The applications with the highest scores will be shortlisted and invited to send in a 5 minute virtual pitch to a panel of judges appointed by the Administrator (which shall include at least one independent judge)(the Panel), covering (i) an introduction to their business; (ii) how securing the Grant will help their business and on what it will be spent. The Panel will score each Application against the Criteria and will submit its selection decisions to the Administrator, who shall offer Grants to those Applications which have been selected as being most deserving under the Criteria, provided that their Application is in compliance with Sections 5 and 6 below (the Successful Applicants). The offer and acceptance of Grants shall be in accordance with Sections 5 and 6 below.

  • 2.6. The final decision to offer any Grant will be at the discretion of the Administrator, acting reasonably.

  • 2.7. The names of the judges on the Panel will be available to anyone who requests them via hello@enterprisenation.com within one month of the Closing Date.

3. How to enter

  • 3.1. The Programme will run from the applicable Opening Date to the applicable Closing Date.

  • 3.2. All Applications must be received by the Administrator via the Administrator’s website by no later than 11:59:59 p.m. (BST) on the Closing Date. All Applications received after the Closing Date are automatically disqualified.

  • 3.3. All Applications must contain all of the required information set out on the application form on the Administrator’s website. Applications which do not contain all required information will be automatically disqualified.

  • 3.4. There is no charge to use of the Administrator's website or to submit an Application. Applicants must however create an account on the Administrator’s website in order to submit an application. Applicants will be able to delete their account at any time, at the end of the Grant Programme.

  • 3.5. The Administrator will not accept responsibility for any partially-complete or failed Applications, regardless of cause, including, for example, as a result of any equipment failure, technical malfunction, systems, satellite, network, server, computer hardware or software failure of any kind.

  • 3.6. By submitting an Application, you, as Applicant Representative, are agreeing (and representing and warranting that you as Applicant Representative have the power to agree) for and on behalf of the Eligible Company to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and that the information provided as part of the Application is complete and accurate.

4. Eligibility

  • 4.1. The Programme is only open to Republic of Ireland businesses who meet the following requirements:

    • 4.1.1. be VAT registered;

    • 4.1.2. be based in the Republic of Ireland with an Irish business bank account;

    • 4.1.3. have a workforce of 0 - 10 employees;

    • 4.1.4. be trading for a minimum of 6 months;

    • 4.1.5. not be undergoing bankruptcy, insolvency, examinership, receivership or any related or similar process;

    • 4.1.6. if requested, would be willing to share their success story of how they used their cash grant which may be further utilised and published by Three for various purposes such as marketing, advertising and PR. and brand awareness.

    • 4.1.7. immediate family members, or members of the same household, of employees of Three Ireland or Enterprise Nation are not eligible to enter

  • 4.2. Applicants will be asked if they are a Three Ireland (Hutchinson) Ltd customer although the programme is for non-customers who are out of contract within 6 months.

  • 4.3. The Application must be completed and verified by the majority shareholder of the Eligible Company, who must be an individual natural person over the age of 18. Where more than one natural person owns equal shares, such that no natural person owns a majority share in the Applicant Company, any of them may complete and verify the Application. The natural person completing and verifying the Application shall be the Applicant Representative.

  • 4.4. In applying for the Programme, the Applicant Representative and the Eligible Company confirm that the Eligible Company meets the requirements set out in Section 4.1 and is eligible to claim the Grant. The Administrator, by means of a third party (the Background Checks Provider), will conduct background checks and may require the Applicant Representative to provide proof that the Eligible Company meets the requirements set out in Section 4.1.

  • 4.5. The Administrator will not accept Applications that are:

    • 4.5.1. automatically generated by computer;

    • 4.5.2. completed by third parties or in bulk; or

    • 4.5.3. incomplete.

  • 4.6. There is a limit of one Application to the Programme per Eligible Company. Joint Applications are not allowed. In the event of multiple Applications being submitted by an Eligible Company, the first Application only will be considered.

  • 4.7. The Administrator reserves all rights to disqualify Eligible Companies if their conduct is contrary to the spirit or intention of the Programme or if they provide any false or misleading information in their Application.

5. The Grants

  • 5.1. A total of 10 Grants of €5,000 each will be offered to the Successful Applicants of the Programme. See detailed table below.

  • 5.2. The payment of each Grant to the selected Eligible Companies (each a Successful Applicant), after completion of the judging process described in Section 2, shall be subject to the following conditions:

    • 5.2.1. provision by the Successful Applicant of proof of any information submitted in the relevant Application, on request of the Administrator;

    • 5.2.1. continued compliance of each Successful Applicant with the criteria for Eligible Companies set out in Section 4.1;

    • 5.2.1. the entering into between each Successful Applicant and the Administrator of a Grant Agreement; and

    • 5.2.1. the compliance of the Successful Applicant with the Grant Agreement, once entered into.

  • 5.3. There is no alternative award to a Grant. Grants will be paid to Successful Applicants via bank transfer, payable to the account notified to the Administrator in accordance with Section 5.5.

  • 5.4. Grants are not negotiable or transferable and must be used solely for the purposes detailed by the applicant company in the pitch. The Administrator reserves the right to take action to recover the Grant if a Successful Applicant is in breach of these Terms and Conditions or otherwise fails to use the Grant for the specified purposes.

  • 5.5. Successful Applicants who, after being notified of their success (In accordance with the table below), do not fulfil the requirements of Section 5.2, do not respond to the notification within [7] days, decline the Grant or refuse to sign a Grant Agreement shall no longer be eligible to claim a Grant and shall be automatically disqualified from the Programme. In such circumstances, and at the sole discretion of the Administrator and Sponsor, the relevant Grant may be offered to the highest-rated runner-up Application (under the Section 2 judging process), subject to the terms of this Section 5.

  • 5.6. Grants may be taxable and Successful Applicants are responsible for declaring and paying any taxes due.

6. Successful Applicants

  • 6.1. The decision of the Administrator is final and no correspondence or discussion will be entered into, except with Successful Applicants.

  • 6.2. The Administrator will contact Successful Applicants as soon as practicable (the Announcement Date), using the contact details provided with the Application.

  • 6.3. The Administrator will confirm the relevant details of each Successful Applicant, and provide each Successful Applicant with a completed copy of the Grant Agreement.

  • 6.4. Successful Applicants must sign and return to the Administrator the signed Grant Agreement within 30 (thirty) days of receipt. The Grant Agreement will then be counter-signed by the Administrator , and the Grant will then be transferred to the Successful Applicant in accordance with the terms of the Grant Agreement. If the signed Grant Agreement is not returned to the Administrator within the thirty-day period, the Administrator may, in its sole discretion, withdraw the offer of the Grant and disqualify the relevant Successful Applicant.

  • 6.5. After the completion of the Programme and the entering into of all Grant Agreements, the Administrator will publish on their websites the names of all Successful Applicants who receive Grants, and the Administrator and/or Sponsor may issue press releases or other publicity detailing any or all of the Grants.

  • 6.6. If an applicant objects to its details being published or made available, please contact the Administrator at hello@enterprisenation.com.

  • 6.7. The Administrator and Sponsor do not accept any responsibility if any Successful Applicant is unable to take up or declines to accept any Grant or fails to receive notification of or accept a Grant due to any technical issue or as a result of having provided incorrect/incomplete contact details.

  • 6.8. Successful Applicants represent and warrant that they will not utilise the Grant to purchase Salesforce products.

7. Ownership of Programme entries and intellectual property rights

  • 7.1. The Administrator and Sponsor do not claim any rights of ownership in the content of any Application.

8. Data protection and publicity

  • 8.1. The Administrator will only process personal information submitted to it as set out in its privacy policy.

  • 8.2. First name, second name, business name and email address of the Applicants will be shared with the Sponsor, for the performance of the Grant Program. The Sponsor’s Privacy Statement that applies to the processing of this data is available at https://www.three.ie/legal/privacy

  • 8.3. In accordance with paragraph 6.5 and 6.6 above, the Applicant grants the Administrator and the Sponsor the right, with no obligation, to issue website and/or press releases or other publicity detailing any or all of the Grants, unless the applicant exercises its objection right set forth in paragraph 6.6 above.

9. General

  • 9.1. If there is any reason to believe that there has been a breach of the Terms and Conditions, the Administrator may, at its sole discretion, reserve the right to exclude any company from participating in the Programme.

  • 9.2. The Administrator reserves the right to hold void, suspend, or amend the Programme where it becomes necessary to do so for reasons outside the Administrator's control.

  • 9.3.The Terms and Conditions shall be governed by Irish law, and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Ireland.