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Get the CMO Advantage™ To Launch, Grow or Transform your Business

Get the CMO Advantage™ To Launch, Grow or Transform your Business
Jarmila Yu
Jarmila Yu
Founder. MD. Consulting Chief Marketing Officer.
YUnique Marketing Ltd

Get the CMO Advantage™ To Launch, Grow or Transform your Business.

In this time of almost unprecedented economic challenge, it’s the businesses that have resilience built from a business plan for growth and the right marketing strategy who will survive. As we face an ever more uncertain and rapidly changing business environment, certain critical factors determining success remain constant.

It’s not enough for your business to be providing excellent products and/or services, it needs to have: The Attraction Factor. Whether your business is at a Launch, Grow or Transform stage ask yourself, how attractive is your business in terms of: attracting the right personnel, partners, clients, investors and buyers? If the answer is, “not attractive enough”, then you need to talk to us.

Having the right marketing strategy is a critical element of building business resilience and delivering opportunities to support growth. Let us share other invaluable, actionable insights to help you get the attraction factor you need.

To book a complimentary discovery call with me select a time here: https://calendly.com/jarmila-yu-thecmoadvantage/30minute-discoverycall. I’m looking forward to meeting you, and helping you unlock your marketing potential to launch, grow and transform your business. Jarmila Yu Founder, MD & Consulting CMO www.yuniquemarketing.com

Jarmila Yu
Jarmila Yu
Founder. MD. Consulting Chief Marketing Officer.
YUnique Marketing Ltd
Jarmila Yu is the Founder and MD of YUnique Marketing Ltd, a strategic marketing consultancy offering a full range of marketing services. She’s spent 30 years building and growing businesses, heading up marketing in start-ups, challenger brands and some of the world’s largest brands. She knows the value of great marketing, what it takes to develop a successful marketing strategy and how to lead it to achieve peak performance. For clients she's their Consulting Chief Marketing Officer. 

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