Jarmila YuFounder. MD. Consulting Chief Marketing Officer.
YUnique Marketing Ltd
Get the CMO Advantage™ to Launch, Grow or Transform your business.
Take our complimentary marketing scorecard to find out how your marketing strategy is performing and get a CMO perspective on how you can improve it.
As an ambitious entrepreneur or business leader, your time and attention are under constant demand. You are probably not a professional marketer by training, but you understand how essential a fit-for-purpose marketing function is for your business.
Take less than 10 minutes out of your day to take our Marketing Performance Assessment scorecard and you will receive a high-level, but comprehensive, report highlighting the strengths and weaknesses in your current marketing function. It will also give you useful guidance on how to begin to address areas requiring particular attention and start optimising your marketing to support your business objectives.
To take the scorecard please visit:
To then discuss your results and explore how to unlock your marketing potential you might like to book a Discovery Call with me. You can do that here: https://calendly.com/jarmila-yu-thecmoadvantage/30minute-discoverycall
I’m looking forward to meeting you, and helping you unlock your marketing potential to launch, grow and transform your business.
Jarmila Yu
Founder, MD & Consulting CMO